More information on On the Cutting Edge: The Study of Women in the Biblical World
Jane Schaberg (ed) / Alice Bach (ed) / Esther Fuchs (ed)
These essays in honor of Professor Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza draw on international feminist scholarship indebted to her groundbreaking achievements in the areas of biblical studies, feminist thought and social justice. The contributors represent a wide variety of backgrounds, commitments, methodo... (more)
More information on Ozark Weddings (Romancing America)
Anita Higman / Janice A Thompson
Take a journey into the Ozarks where romance disrupts the lives of three women. Larkspur Wendell’s new neighbor Everett Holden is more interested in his computer than communication. Will Larkspur’s zest for life draw the reclusive Everett out of his shell or drive him in deeper? The vulnerability of... (more)