More information on Left Behind - A Biblical view of the End Times
Mark Hitchcock / Thomas Ice
With the unparalleled worldwide success of the Left Behind series, both fans and critics are curious about the relationship between Bible prophecy and the events depicted in the novels. Responding to recent works that question Left Behind biblical accuracy, two respected theologians set forth solid,... (more)
More information on In the Flow
Marla Alupoaicei
A leading researcher defines flow as the mental state of operation in which the person is fully immersed in what he or she is doing, characterized by a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in the process of the activity. Creative people the world over have experienced this energ... (more)
More information on Preparing to Preach
Maurice Burrell
Is it part of your Christian service to preach regularly as an ordained or lay minister in church services? Are you engaged in less formal ways in the ministry of God's Word? If so, you will know that preparing to speak publicly can be hard work. It is time-consuming, and is sometimes given less pri... (more)
More information on Union & Communion with Christ
Maurice Roberts
The work of Christ in His life, death, resurrection, and ascension is most impressive and foundational to the Christian faith. Yet these grand acts of redemption are of little benefit if one is not so closely associated with Jesus as to find his life and death in Him. In Union and Communion with Chr... (more)
More information on The Happiness of Heaven
Maurice Roberts
While belief in heaven is essential to the Christian faith, the fact that pilgrim believers have not yet experienced heaven leaves us with many questions about what it will be like. In The Happiness of Heaven, Maurice Roberts surveys Holy Scripture to tell us what heaven is all about. In his charact... (more)
More information on Thought of God, The
Maurice Roberts
Maurice Roberts' articles speak to the needs of the times. They have God and his Word as their starting place; and their horizon stretches beyond time to eternity. "Every article is a picturesque painting. And the words are shades and colours. They seem to be ordinary, simple words - but in the hand... (more)
More information on Christian's High Calling, The
Maurice Roberts
The theme of this book is the Christian life viewed as a high and glorious calling, the problems and trials of which lead to the unutterable glory and holiness of the world to come.
More information on Great God of Wonders: The Life of Grace and the Hope of Glory
Maurice Roberts
We all become like the objects we worship. How important then that Christians should be focused on the Great God of Wonders revealed in Scripture. To think about God aright is the most exciting occupation possible for any created being, says Maurice Roberts. In every aspect of the Christian life dea... (more)