More information on Finding More Real Life Stories Well Worth Telling
Rico Tice & Rachel
Most of us wonder: is there something more to life? Finding More tells the stories of eleven people who asked that question, and found the answer. These fascinating life stories introduce you to people from all kinds of backgrounds who became Christians when they encountered the only One who gives ... (more)
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Dan Morrice
When thirty-three Chilean miners stepped into the light, alive and well, after sixty-nine days entombed in the earth, the world experienced a rare treat – some good news. Was this an anomaly, or are there other untapped glimmers of hope, hidden behind the headlines? Armed with a camera, a notebook, ... (more)
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More information on For Young Men Only: A Guy's Guide to the Alien Gender
Eric Rice / Shaunti Feldhahn
Just for guys… the inside scoop on girls from the girls themselves. Okay, the authors aren't girls. But to bring you the facts they surveyed more than 1,000 of them. Every teen guy wants to know how girls are wired, what they want, and how they really think… Or at least how to talk to a gir... (more)
More information on For Young Women Only
Shaunti Feldhahn / Lisa A Rice
The mystery of guys is unraveled in this book just for young women. Find out just how a guy thinks and what he might be thinking about you as you delve into the male psyche to better understand the opposite sex. In an "ask the expert" style, you'll find answers to why they are so visually stimulated... (more)
More information on Free from Worry
Janice Wise
Part of the Women of the Word Bible Study series, Free From Worry guides you to discover what Scripture has to say about dealing with anxiety. The study is eight weeks in length and each lesson is divided into four sections: A Closer Look at the Problem, A Closer Look at God's Truth, A Closer Look a... (more)