More information on The Advocates
Eddie Smith / Alice Smith
Defend them in their hour of trial. Prayerlessness has rendered the church powerless and virtually irrelevant in this society. Defending another is a stretch for many. Judging, accusing and offering oneself as a witness for the devil's prosecution on the other hand is an everyday occurence. What hap... (more)
More information on Reconciling All Things
Emmanuel Katongole / Chris Rice
More information on For Young Men Only: A Guy's Guide to the Alien Gender
Eric Rice / Shaunti Feldhahn
Just for guys… the inside scoop on girls from the girls themselves. Okay, the authors aren't girls. But to bring you the facts they surveyed more than 1,000 of them. Every teen guy wants to know how girls are wired, what they want, and how they really think… Or at least how to talk to a gir... (more)