More information on Make Your Sensitivity Work For You
Alice Muir
‘Too sensitive for your own good’? If you’ve heard this before, Make Your Sensitivity Work for You could be the book you need. Although there are many advantages to being ‘a sensitive type’, such as increased empathy, imagination and understanding of people, oversensitive people often have a hard ti... (more)
More information on Me, Myself, and I Am: A Unique Question and Answer Book: The Story of
Winston Rice
It’s All About You. Open this book to any page and take a new look at you, where you’ve been on your spiritual journey, and where you’re going. Out loud, in private, in order, or backwards all the way, this book of questions will have you laughing, praying, thinking, and maybe asking a question o... (more)
More information on Miriam
Shannon Primicerio
It’s not easy being the overachieving sister of two famous brothers. As a child, Miriam helped save her baby brother’s life. She later played a role in leading millions of people to a new country. But no matter what Miriam does, Moses and Aaron seem to get all of the attention. Soon the family is di... (more)