More information on SCM Studyguide to Moral Theology
Edward Dowler
The SCM Studyguide to Moral Theology is a short introduction to Christian morality. It begins with a discussion of the importance of the Bible for Christians in moral reflection, and looks at both conservative and liberal approaches to the use of the Bible in ethics, with the strengths and weaknesse... (more)
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More information on Screamfree Parenting: The Revolutionary Approach to Raising Your Kids
Hal Edward Runkel
ScreamFree Parenting compels parents to focus on staying both calm and connected to their children. Doing so enables them to begin to operate less out of their deepest fears and more out of their highest principles, revolutionizing relationships in the process.
More information on Scripture and Worship: The Westminster Assembly
Richard A Muller / Rowland S Ward
Since their writing in the seventeenth century, the Westminster Standards have long been the confessional benchmark of Presbyterian churches the world over. Many today, however, consider them to be the result of shallow proof-texting, over-systematization of doctrine, logic-chopping, and plain theol... (more)
More information on Secularisation - Sacred Values in a Godless World
Edward Norman
Abbott Chapman's Spiritual Letters, collected and edited posthumously by Dom Roger Hudleston, have been read and found of profound help by countless thousands since they were first published almost half a century ago.
More information on Selling Worship: How what we sing has changed the church
Pete Ward
Looks at how popular music has affected the practice and theology of worship. The evangelical church has undergone a significant change in culture and theology over the last thirty-five years. Selling Worship argues that this has been achieved through the adoption of a particular style of worship... (more)
More information on Shots In The Dark-The Sniper, The Suburbs And The Things We Value Most
Ward, M
In the early weeks of October, 2002, the Washington, DC area was terrorized by a sniper who took the lives of eleven civilians. What made the shootings most frightening was the indiscriminate targeting of the victims; no one felt safe from the threat. It seemed as though the sniper was targeting... (more)
More information on Signed, Sealed, Delivered - Finding the Key to the Bible
Michael Saward
A helpful introduction to getting the bigger picture, this text shows how the idea of 'covenants', God's special promises to his people - is the key to understanding how the Bible fits together.
More information on Star Wars Trilogy (Connect Bible Study)
Howard Ingham
Star Wars has captured the imagination of generations since it hit the silver screen in 1977. Luke Skywalker, farm boy to Jedi Knight. Evil Darth Vader and his final redemption. The tragedies and triumphs - we were all hooked! Discover the appeal of the Star Wars Trilogy, and how they affect us al... (more)
More information on Story Assemblies for the School Year
Edward J. Carter
More information on Sunsets: Reflections for Life's Final Journey
Deborah Howard
Because one death touches many lives, it is important for both those who are dying and those who love them to be prepared for the pain and grief that accompany it. Here Deborah Howard shares words of comfort and encouragement for everyone coping with suffering and death. Her compassion, firm faith i... (more)