More information on Marrow of Modern Divinity
Edward Fisher
More information on Mercy of God's Humility, The
Edward Norman
On many Saturdays in the year Edward Norman writes a column in the Daily Telegraph entitled Meditation. With pellucid clarity, Norman expounds central truths of the Christian religion in a way that is both traditional but entirely radical. It is, after all, the truth that sets us free. Here is a new... (more)
More information on Mirror Image: Liquid (DVD)
John Ward / Jeff Pries
Mirror Image is the story of a family from Orange County who faces dramatic events and must choose how to respond. Based on some of the most famous biblical parables, Mirror Image reminds us that Jesus' teachings ask us to change the way we think in order to be salt and light in the world. L... (more)
More information on Mixed Ministry
Sue Edwards / Kelley Matthews / Henry J. Rogers
How should you relate to the opposite sex in a working environment? Are the rules different for Christians? The New Testament treats Christian men and women as sacred siblings. Is that relationship a reality in your ministry? In Mixed Ministry, the male and female authors explore complex and thorny ... (more)
More information on Monday Morning and Traffic Jams
Does anyone like Monday mornings? The weekend's over and a week of work lies ahead. Days filled with traffic jams, deadlines, grumpy photocopiers, meetings, coffee breaks, e-mails . . . it's not surprising that most of us would rather stay in bed and hide, than get up and face work. It's easy to for... (more)
More information on Motives - Why Do I Do The Things I Do?
Welch, Edward
People are complex. There is behavior that we see and motives that we don?t. Behind the ?what we do? of our lives is the ?why we do it.? Edward T. Welch challenges us to peer more closely into the ?why.? He insightfully reveals that, according to God's Word, the heart is the source of all human moti... (more)
More information on Mug of My Own: Prayers for the Working Day & Other Aspects of Life
David Gatward
So, this is it . . . you arrive in the workplace and the joys of being an adult suddenly hit you. There are decisions to make, bills to pay, deadlines to meet and people to deal with. Oh yes, the people!On top of that, all sorts of thoughts crowd in and suddenly you’re not so sure that you can handl... (more)
More information on My 2nd Chapter: The Matthew Ward Story
Matthew Ward
How one family’s tragedy ultimately revolutionized contemporary Christian music. Known for such classics as “Easter Song,” the Second Chapter of Acts was one of the major music groups in the forefront of the Jesus movement. But what happened, in the wake of personal tragedy, to bring together a ... (more)