Monday Morning and Traffic Jams
Does anyone like Monday mornings? The weekend's over and a week of work lies ahead. Days filled with traffic jams, deadlines, grumpy photocopiers, meetings, coffee breaks, e-mails . . . it's not surprising that most of us would rather stay in bed and hide, than get up and face work. It's easy to forget what having God in our lives really means.

In this collection of prayers, David Gatward takes us through the experiences of a typical working week, from Monday morning right through to Sunday evening. Through the traffic jams, road works, endless e-mails and forgotten deadlines. From coffee breaks to searching for a new job, walking around the supermarket to Saturday night TV, he shows us that God wants to get involved, wants to get his hands dirty, wants to know us. And if that means hearing how we feel when we wake to another rainy day with no milk in the fridge, then all the better. After all, God's with us every hour of every day, even on Monday mornings!

ISBN: 9781844170470
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: KEVIN MAYHEW - published 15/02/2003
Format: Paperback  
