More information on Rediscovering Paul
David B Capes / Rodney Reeves / E Randolph Edwards
More information on What Anglicans Believe In The Twenty-First Century
David Edwards
This new edition of the 1974 classic "What Anglicans Believe" is for the very different world of the 21st century and its powerful new preface examines the whole question of belief. David Edwards' purpose is to present a straightforward account of what many Anglicans believe. He writes honest ans... (more)
More information on Twenty Things You Should Read
David Edwards / margaret Feinberg / Jenella Griggs / Matthew Paulk Turner
The classics. Love ’em, hate ’em, avoid ’em like the plague. Most of us fit into one of these categories when it comes to reading stuff written a long time ago in lands far, far away by people named Augustine, St. Theresa, or Brother Lawrence. But you’d be surprised at how similar their ques... (more)
More information on Mug of My Own: Prayers for the Working Day & Other Aspects of Life
David Gatward
So, this is it . . . you arrive in the workplace and the joys of being an adult suddenly hit you. There are decisions to make, bills to pay, deadlines to meet and people to deal with. Oh yes, the people!On top of that, all sorts of thoughts crowd in and suddenly you’re not so sure that you can handl... (more)
More information on Black Voices - The Shaping of our Christian Experience
David Killingray / Joel Edwards
More information on What Anglicans Believe in the Twenty-First Century
David L Edwards
Straightforward account of what many Anglicans believe to help Anglicans all over the world to understand their own tradition and what it can offer them.
More information on Sunsets: Reflections for Life's Final Journey
Deborah Howard
Because one death touches many lives, it is important for both those who are dying and those who love them to be prepared for the pain and grief that accompany it. Here Deborah Howard shares words of comfort and encouragement for everyone coping with suffering and death. Her compassion, firm faith i... (more)
More information on Revolution Within: A Fresh Look at Supernatural Living
Dwight M. Edwards
What Actually Happened When You Came to Christ? Because of what God has done for every believer, you actually possess outlandish treasures you may never have dreamed existed. God has made "New Covenant" promises to each of us. And in fulfillment of those promises, He has placed within every belie... (more)