More information on What Is Economic Justice?-Biblical and Secular Perspectives Contrasted
Andrew Hartropp
There is no shared understanding of economic justice. That is one of the central claims of this book. Although the language of economic justice is used right across the political spectrum today, there is no consensus about what it means. Secular perspectives are in deep and confusing disarray. This ... (more)
More information on Why I Am Still An Anglican: Essays and Conversations
C Chartres (ed)
The Anglican church has been no stranger to controversy over its long history but, arguably, the debates raging at the moment are among the very hottest it has known, so much so that they threaten to split the Anglican Communion. What better time, then, to ask several prominent Anglicans why they ar... (more)
More information on With Reverence and Awe: Returning to the Basics of Reformed Worship
D G Hart / John R Muether
"Reformed Christians," write D.G. Hart and John R. Muether, "are increasingly divided over how they ought to worship their God," a situation they regard as urgent. Drawing on Scripture and Reformed confessions and catechisms, the authors answer such questions as: •When are we to worship? •How doe... (more)