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Johannes Hartl
What is prayer? How does it work? And does it even help at all? Where do we start and where will it lead? These are questions that Johannes Hartl has dedicated his life to exploring. Questions that have found their answers through encounter, experience and often through travel – a journey of disc... (more)
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More information on Helping Children Survive Divorce
Archibald D Hart
This book will help you build a healthier post divorce life for your children so that they can be counted among those who not only survived divorce but became the better for it. I certainly count myself in this fortunate group. Find specific ways to help including: minimizing damage to your child, c... (more)
More information on How To Listen So That People Talk
Mary Hartley
People often assume that listening is easy, yet, it's the least understood communication skill, as well as the most used. We spend 9 per cent of our time writing, 16 per cent reading, 35 per cent talking and 40 per cent listening, yet many of us make little effort to learn or develop listening skill... (more)