More information on Necessary Evils
Neesa Hart
Necessary Evils is the third book in the political series by Neesa Hart. Tension mounts as White House chief of staff Brad Benton tries to discover who is behind two failed attempts on his life. Meanwhile, Nicolae Carpathia continues his rise to power. When Brad's boss chairs a committee in Carpathi... (more)
More information on New Monasticism: What It Has to Say to Today's Church
J Wilson-Hartgrove
A key leader in New Monasticism offers insights on what this movement has to say to the church about faithful living today.
More information on Noah's Big Boat
Bob Hartman
More information on Nothing Ever Happens Round Here! A Christmas Musical for KS 1 & 2
Denis O'Gorman / Barry Hart
A Christmas musical for key stage 1and lower key stage 2 One sheep . . . two sheep . . . three sheep - counting them is the only option when a shepherd's life gets a little tedious. Until . . . you are visited by a stranger and his wife who is about to give birth, exotic eastern kings with their p... (more)