More information on Tales Of Two Cities
Stephen Clark
More information on The Forgotten Christ
Stephen Clark (Ed.)
More information on The Life You Crave
Jerusha Clark
With a unique voice and heart that beats for women in the church, Clark encourages readers to forgo formulas, embrace their freedom to choose, and apply wisdom to every aspect of life. The result? A life thats free of fear and full of potential, which truly is Gods very best.
More information on The Total Marriage Makeover
David Clarke
A good marriage is a great thing-and The Total Marriage Makeover can make any marriage better. This practical plan promises results to any couple willing to work at advancing this most intimate relationship. With a step-by-step plan for improving communication, the understanding of each other, and t... (more)
More information on The Truth: What Every Roman Catholic Should Know About the Orthodox Ch
Clark Carlton
The Truth is the sequel to both The Faith: An Orthodox Catechism and The Way: What Every Protestant Should Know About The Orthodox Church. The Truth will give Roman Catholics a profound understanding of the Orthodox Church. It will also give both Orthodox and Roman Catholics insight as to the rea... (more)
More information on To Know and Love God: Method for Theology
David K Clark
David Clark addresses foundational questions of systematic theology, arguing that while one goal of theology is to attain knowledge about God, mere knowledge is not its chief end. Knowledge of God is intended ultimately to guide and govern a life of love for God. This book deals with the nature of t... (more)