More information on Religious Orders in Pre-Reformation England
James G Clark (ed)
It continues to be assumed in some quarters that England's monasteries and mendicant convents fell into a headlong decline - pursuing high living and low morals - long before Henry VIII set out to destroy them at the Dissolution. The essays in this book add to the growing body of scholarly enquiry w... (more)
More information on Every Thought Captive
Jerusha Clark
Popular author Clark journeys through the unique nature of the female mind and the freedom found in shifting our thoughts from the everyday to the eternal.
More information on Inside A Cutter's Mind
Jerusha Clark
Millions of young people engage in some form of self-injury. Drawing from research and interviews, Jerusha Clark explores cutting, a complex problem with no easy solution.
More information on The Life You Crave
Jerusha Clark
With a unique voice and heart that beats for women in the church, Clark encourages readers to forgo formulas, embrace their freedom to choose, and apply wisdom to every aspect of life. The result? A life thats free of fear and full of potential, which truly is Gods very best.