More information on Fun-Filled Parenting
Silvana Clark
Most of us have been told at one time or another that children are a gift from God. We all enjoy gifts, so why do we forget to enjoy our children? There’s more to raising kids than making sure they clean their room and eat a healthy diet . . . there’s nothing wrong with a spontaneous pillow fight or... (more)
More information on Tales Of Two Cities
Stephen Clark
More information on Da Vinci Code on Trial - Filtering Fact from Fiction
Stephen Clark
In this book the author sifts the evidence for the claims found in Dan Brown's best-seller, The Da Vinci Code, that Jesus married Mary Magdalene, that the early church covered up the real message of Jesus and that the Bible's account of Jesus is false. After giving a bird's-eye view of the novel and... (more)
More information on The Forgotten Christ
Stephen Clark (Ed.)