More information on Say Goodbye to Stubborn Sin
Clark Gerhart / Jefferson Scott
More information on Seeking A Better Country
D G Hart / John R Muether
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Johannes Hartl
In the gospel of Luke, the disciples of Jesus ask Him, “Lord, teach us to pray.” They saw the great importance Jesus placed on having a daily rhythm of prayer and they wanted to learn how to have this same rhythm in their own lives. And so can we. In this refreshingly different look at prayer, J... (more)
More information on Songs For Acorns (Incl CD)
Alison Carver / Barry Hart / Val Hawthorne / Geoffrey Nobes
Here's a real gift - 113 entirely new tuneful and fun songs for junior church by leading writers, all with long-established reputations: •Alison Carver •Barry Hart •Val Hawthorne •Geoffrey Nobes •Denis O'Gorman •Andy Silver •Becky Silver •Christopher Tambling In addition to this book th... (more)
More information on Songs For Acorns (Words Edition)
Alison Carver / Barry Hart / Val Hawthorne / Geoffrey Nobes
Here's our 113 entirely new tuneful and fun songs for junior church by leading writers, all with long-established reputations: •Alison Carver •Barry Hart •Val Hawthorne •Geoffrey Nobes •Denis O'Gorman •Andy Silver •Becky Silver •Christopher Tambling They are all easy to sing and lots of... (more)
More information on Soul Food for Mums
Lucinda Van der Hart & Anna France-Williams
A weekly devotional for baby's first year for Mums
More information on Star of Wonder - A Christmas musical for young children (inc free cd)
On Christmas Eve, a group of young children find a fallen star lying in the street. Realising that it must be the Christmas Star (and, without its reappearance in the sky, there won’t be any Christmas!) the children travel back to the very first Christmas night. Star of Wonder has simple dialogue, v... (more)
More information on Stress and Your Child
Archibald D Hart
Stress can make kids moody, resentful, insecure, and even sick. This book is an invaluable resource for stress-management that will enhance kids' lives today-and may save their lives tomorrow. It offers insight on dealing with everyday stress and provides examples of simple things that can be done t... (more)
More information on Strong Women, Soft Hearts: A Woman's Guide to Cultivating a Wise...
Paula Rinehart
Recently updated with an expanded study guide, Strong Women, Soft Hearts has quickly become an important study for women of all ages. Through inspiring real-life testimonies, Paula Rinehart writes as both a kindred spirit and a compassionate counselor to women feeling robbed of their passions and tr... (more)
More information on Systematic Theology, Vol. 3
Wolfhart Pannenberg