More information on Late Wise Man - Christmas Musical For Juniors
Denis O'Gorman / Barry Hart
Poor old Artaban! He is the fourth Wise Man and is late for everything. Many times, Artaban’s journey is delayed as he stops to help the poor, hungry and oppressed. In spite of missing Mary, Joseph and the baby, his disappointment turn to joy when he realises that he did see Jesus in the many folk h... (more)
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Bob Hartman
Highly visual and interactive, this is a Bob Hartman Bible like never before. Containing over 60 stories, this book highlights the links between stories and draws attention to the wider themes of the Bible. With arrows zipping across the page, pull-out text boxes asking the reader questions and illu... (more)
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More information on Liturgy among the Thorns
James Hart Brumm
Worship is central to what it means to be the church, and certainly a Reformed church. It was a chief concern of John Calvin's in Strasbourg and Geneva, a subject addressed by both the Heidelberg Catechism and the Belgic Confession, and central enough to become part of the Constitution of the Reform... (more)