More information on A Monastic Vision for the Twenty-first Century: Where Do We Go from He
Patrick Hart
An ancient lifestyle which has been adapted, renewed, and is still being followed today, monasticism appears to some outside it as a quaint anachronism and to others as the sanest of all ways of living. Can it survive in the post post-modern world? A dozen insiders and outsiders-monastics, academics... (more)
More information on Strong Women, Soft Hearts: A Woman's Guide to Cultivating a Wise...
Paula Rinehart
Recently updated with an expanded study guide, Strong Women, Soft Hearts has quickly become an important study for women of all ages. Through inspiring real-life testimonies, Paula Rinehart writes as both a kindred spirit and a compassionate counselor to women feeling robbed of their passions and tr... (more)
More information on The First Five Years Of Marriage
Phillip J Swihart / Wilford Wooten
Introducing the most helpful new resource available for newly married couples It’s finally here: a comprehensive source of practical, trustworthy, biblically based answers to the tough questions commonly asked by recently married couples—all in one accessible volume. Written by the counsel... (more)