More information on Phillip & The Revival in Samaria
Geoffrey Thomas
What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit and is this something that is true of all Christians? What kind of person does God delight to use in the work of his kingdom? What is revival? Is it a sovereign work of God by his Spirit or merely the result of evangelistic activity on the part of ... (more)
More information on Prayer and Faith
R A Torrey
Put prayer (a petition to God) and faith (belief and trust in God) together, and the result is incredible power! Whether you are a new believer or have been a Christian for decades, the recipe for spiritual success is within your reach. R.A. Torrey reveals how you can prevail in prayer, be effective... (more)
More information on Prayer, Praise And Prophecy: A Theology of the Psalms
Geoffrey Grogan
Do you want to encourage children to read the Bible? Do you want children to realise that the Bible is God's guide for them, relevant, exciting, dynamic! TNT Ministries have developed "On the Way" to meet your needs, the needs of your church and most importantly the needs of the children you teach. ... (more)
More information on Preacher's Companion - Essays from the College of Preachers
Geoffrey Hunter (ed) / Gethin Thomas (ed) / Stephen Wright (ed)
This book is a practical collection of articles from the College of Preachers for everybody involved in preaching, regularly or occasionally. Designed to stimulate thought and provide guidance for practice, it presents encouragement, fresh ideas and suggestions for further reflection and study, and ... (more)
More information on Preachers Who Made a Difference
Peter Jefferey
Learn from the lives and listen to the sermons of speakers who still pack a spiritual punch decades later. Discover how God ignited the ministries of Martin Lloyd-Jones, A.W. Tozer, Charles Spurgeon, J.C. Ryle, and others---and keep your own message burning brightly with the light of Christ. Include... (more)
More information on Preaching with Humanity: A Practical Guide for Today's Church
Geoffrey Stevenson / Stephen Wright
Today, many people question the value of preaching. Yet preaching is one of the most awesome callings in the world. Preaching with Humanity considers questions such as: How can 'old-fashioned' preaching survive in the YouTube culture? What is the place of preaching in a 'mission-shaped Church'?... (more)
More information on Preaching With Variety
Jeffrey D Arthurs
This new volume in the "Preaching With" series reveals how pastors can preach in a way that employs—with creativity—the six writing genres or forms found in the Bible. Each chapter includes practical "Try this" suggestions and ends with a quick checklist for preachers... (more)
More information on Psalms (Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary) (Paperback)
Geoffrey Grogan
Geoffrey Grogan here tackles the growing field of Psalms research and presents an accessible theological treatment of the Psalter. He begins by surveying and evaluating the main scholarly approaches to Psalms and then provides exegesis of all the psalms, emphasizing their distinctive messages. Gr... (more)