More information on Catechism of the Catholic Church
Geoffrey Chapman
This edition of the Catechism includes all changes specified by Rome following the publication of the Latin Edition in 1997. Changes include the revision of the text on capital punishment and stronger emphasis on psychological and social factors.
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Adrian & Celia Reynolds
Sexual intimacy in marriage is a great gift from a good God that cements couples together and brings unity and happiness. Nevertheless, in our broken and messed-up world we often need help and direction to understand and enjoy what it means to give ourselves to one another, and to overcome some of t... (more)
More information on Contraction and Convergence: The Global Solution to Climate Change
Aubrey Meyer
The global climate is visibly changing because of human pollution of the atmosphere. According to eminent scientists and business people, its "devastating trends" are the greatest challenge ever to face humanity. This briefing describes the dangers presented by global warming, and explains the origi... (more)
Corey Voss
Worship pastor Corey Voss, the writer behind I Got Saved and Praise The King and the voice behind the popular God Who Moves The Mountains, follows his critically acclaimed Songs Of Heaven & Earth album (over 17 million streams) with Songs Of The House.This new, live project delivers 10 new congregat... (more)
More information on Countdown to the Apocalypse: Learn to Read the Signs That the Last Day
Grant R Jeffrey
Daniel prophesied the rise of global government in your future A number of prophets had a glimpse of the future, but God gave only one prophet a precise calendar of the end-times events that will affect the current generation. Writing more than 2,500 years ago, Daniel described a series of c... (more)
More information on Creation - Remarkable Evidence of God's Design
Grant Jeffrey
This book explores the powerful new evidence discovered in the last few decades by scientific research in astronomy, the nature of the atom and DNA. These discoveries have caused a revolution in the world view of thousands of scientists as they were confronted with compelling new evidence that our u... (more)