More information on Jack and the Wardrobe
Nicola Jemphrey
How do you cope with a dad who drinks too much and a mum who has run off and not told you where she is? Not very well, is the answer for Jack. But that all changes when he walks straight into a wardrobe in the middle of the street. Jack starts to find out about the ‘owner’ of the wardrobe, C S Lewis... (more)
More information on Jesus: Divine Messiah - The New And Old Testament Witness
Reymond, R.L.
What does the Bible REALLY say about Jesus? A comprehensive source for all the evidence in the BIble concerning the divinity of Jesus by a scholar of international reputation. An updated and combined volume of Robert Reymond's two previous books on the subject. Robert L. Reymond taught for m... (more)
More information on John Calvin: His Life and Influence
Robert L Reymond
"…despite his stern Calvinist upbringing" – Why is it that in the modern media the word 'Calvinist' is always accompanied by 'stern', 'dour' or 'strict'? Most of the people who use the terms together have next to no knowledge of what Calvinism is - and know even less about who Calvin was. An old-sty... (more)
More information on John Calvin: Pilgrim and Pastor
W. Robert Godfrey