More information on Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die
John Piper
WHY? The most important questions anyone can ask are: Why was Jesus Christ crucified? Why did he suffer so much? What has this to do with me? Finally, who sent him to his sdeath? The answer to the last question is that God did. Jesus was God’s Son. The suffering was unsurpassed, but the whole mess... (more)
More information on Finally Alive: What happens when we are born again?
John Piper
When Jesus said to Nicodemus, 'You must be born again', the devout and learned religious leader was unsure what Jesus meant. It would seem nothing has changed. Today 'born again Christians' fill churches that are seen as ineffectual at best, and even characterised by the 'mosaic' generation as 'unch... (more)
More information on Future Grace
John Piper
No one sins out of duty. We sin because we want to. Sin promises happiness, and we buy the lie. So how can the root of sin be severed in our lives? The penalty of sin must be paid by the righteous blood of Christ. And the power of sin must be broken by banking on the promises of Christ. John Piper... (more)
More information on Future Grace