More information on Rethinking Retirement: Finishing Life for the Glory of Christ
John Piper
John Piper challenges fellow baby boomers to forego the American dream of retirement and live out their golden years with a far greater purpose in mind. They say it’s a person’s reward for all those years of labor. “Turn in your time card and trade in your IRAs. Let travel plans and golf-course l... (more)
More information on Roots of Endurance, The
More information on Ruth: Under the Wings of God
John Piper
A powerful work of poetic storytelling by pastor and best-selling author John Piper! This illustrated account celebrates the story of God's providential care for Naomi and the love between Ruth and Boaz as remembered by their son, an aged Obed, who's sharing the tale with his 8-year-old grandson, Da... (more)