Future Grace
John Piper
No one sins out of duty. We sin because we want to. Sin promises happiness, and we buy the lie. So how can the root of sin be severed in our lives? The penalty of sin must be paid by the righteous blood of Christ. And the power of sin must be broken by banking on the promises of Christ.
John Piper's meditations on future grace are rooted in rock-solid biblical reflection. Chapter by chapter---one for each day of the month---he reveals how, by cherishing the promises of God, you can break the power of anxiety, despondency, covetousness, lust, bitterness, impatience, pride, misplaced shame, and more.

ISBN: 9781590521915
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: MULTNOMAH - published 15/03/2005
Format: Paperback  
