More information on Ten Commandments For Pastors Leaving A Congregation
Lawrence W Farris
Pastoral transitions can be fraught with pitfalls, yet there is advice that can help ministers and congregations avoid those dangers. Lawrence Farris, a pastor who himself has left three churches, here gives ten wise, thoughtful commandments for shepherds leaving their flock. Hardly heavy-handed dic... (more)
More information on The Chocolate Teapot: Surviving at School
David Lawrence
A re-issue of a best seller with a fun new cover for a new generation of teens. Over 75,000 copies sold! Should you kick bullies? What if all your friends swear? What about girlfriends/boyfriends? What about God? Staying in shape when the heat is on isn't easy - ask any chocolate teapot! So here is ... (more)
More information on The Lion Atlas of Bible History
Paul Lawrence
More information on The Practice of the Presence of God
Brother Lawrence
Three hundred years ago, an uneducated lay cook in a French monastery discovered how to enjoy a profound awareness of God moment by moment, even in the midst of busyness and distraction. This book reveals Brother Lawrence's secrets. Brimming with wisdom and spiritual insight, this classic memoir of ... (more)
More information on The Practice of the Presence of God (Hodder Classics)
Brother Lawrence
There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful than that of a continual conversation with God. Only those can comprehend it who practice and experience it.It was as a lay monk in a monastery kitchen that Brother Lawrence discovered the delight of a continual awareness of God's pr... (more)
More information on The Savvy Christian's Guide to Life
Tracey Lawrence
* You know you're saved, but are you spiritually savvy? Whether you need a timely refresher or a crash-course on godly insights, this quick and creative "tutorial" will provide valuable information on talking with people of other faiths; helping someone who is suicidal; starting a new ministry; pare... (more)
More information on The Spirit Who Heals
Peter H Lawrence
Is healing in Jesus' name guaranteed if enough faith is applied? Or is there a deeper mystery, one connected with minisrty in the power of the Holy Spirit? Peter Lawrence searches the scriptues to provide superb teaching that addresses the ‘healing in the atonement’ preaching prevalent today whil... (more)