The Spirit Who Heals
Peter H Lawrence
Is healing in Jesus' name guaranteed if enough faith is applied? Or is there a deeper mystery, one connected with minisrty in the power of the Holy Spirit?

Peter Lawrence searches the scriptues to provide superb teaching that addresses the ‘healing in the atonement’ preaching prevalent today while showing us how much God longs to heal if we open ourselves to the Spirit’s power.

Includes 46 true healing stories from Peter's personal experience and minsitry.

'Sane, well researched, faith-building and funny. Vintage Lawrence.' Michael Green


Reviewed by Rosemary Lincoln, 12th July 2006
I’ve only read half of this book so far but that’s only because I can’t read it any faster! It’s an absolute ‘must have’ for anyone interested in the subject of (Christian) Healing. Peter Lawrence strips back the scriptures like an overcooked chicken leg and you feel he has really got to the bone with his research. The stories which provide case studies of healings are of course an added bonus. How wonderful to hear them first hand from those who were healed and those who were present at the healings.

Peter Lawrence does – in my opinion – what lots of authors and those participating in the ministry of healing have previously failed to do. He tells you over and over again, so there is no missing the point, the clear and simple way of asking for healing, or rather – in most cases – not asking for healing. He simply prays that God the Father will, through His Son Jesus, send his Holy Spirit to do as He wants. Wow! No wonder the results are so amazing.

All this written clearly and simply so that we can all enjoy reading it.

ISBN: 9781842912294
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: KINGSWAY - published 01/03/2006
Format: Paperback  
