More information on Salvation is from the Jews
Roy H Schoeman
This book traces the role of Judaism and the Jewish people in God's plan for the salvation of mankind, from Abraham through the Second Coming, as revealed by the Catholic faith and by a thoughtful examination of history. It will give Christians a deeper understanding of Judaism, both as a religion i... (more)
More information on Shape of Catholic Theology, The
Aidan Nichols
This study is an introduction to Catholic theology designed both for the theological student and for the general reader willing to make a certain effort. After introducing the idea of theology and the virtues desirable in the budding theologian, the bulk of the book falls into five sections: (1) the... (more)
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Nicholas Holtam
The problem of climate change is greater and more urgent than many of us realise. For while we may appreciate the challenges posed by technical and political issues, the fundamental problem, as Nichlas Holtam argues so credibly in this exhilarating book, is spiritual. The words of scientist Gus Spet... (more)
£10.99  £8.99
More information on Stand By Me The Kingdom Choir 15 Songs of Love, Hope & Inspiration
Kingdom Choir
2 billion people watched the Royal Wedding on Saturday 19th May 2018. The love and emotion in the cathedral between Harry and Meghan warmed the nation, but there was one stand out performance by the incredible The Kingdom Choir. As the Cathedral paused throughout every lyric of the beautiful deliver... (more)
£12.99  £11.99
More information on Stations of the Cross
Nicholas King
The Stations of the Cross is a devotional walk, allowing Christians to follow Christ's footsteps on his journey through Jerusalem, from condemnation by Pontius Pilate to being laid in the tomb following His death on the Cross. Each Station is a place of significance on that Journey, and allows Ch... (more)