More information on Managing Your Money: Principles for Abundant Living (Principle-Centere
Matt Schoenfeld
Managing Your Money presents seven habits that families and individuals can adopt to avoid debt, meet needs, give generously, and enjoy life. It also outlines ways to set up an effective money management system, take advantage of automatic and electronic money management tools, and avoid interest pa... (more)
More information on Martin Luther: A Guided Tour Of His Life And Thought
Nichols, S.J.
Protestants of all stripes have long read at least a few of Martin Luther's works, but 21st-century readers need guidance and encouragement. Stephen Nichols's Martin Luther provides both. After an exciting overview of Luther's life and theology, Nichols orients the reader to some of the Reformer's m... (more)
More information on Martin Luther's 95 Theses
Nichols (Ed)
To combat abuses in the church of his day, the young German monk drafted nearly one hundred propositions for public debate. Martin Luther posted these "theses" on the church door in Wittenberg, an action that helped to give birth to the Protestant Reformation. Although most people have heard of the ... (more)