More information on Jesus is Better Than You Imagined
Jonathan Merritt
Is the God who created us better than the God we've created? After following Jesus for nearly two decades, Jonathan Merritt decides to confront the emptiness of a faith that has become dry, predictable and rote.
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More information on Jesus: An Historical and Theological Investigation
Jonathan Knight
Jonathan Knight takes a radically apocalyptic view of Jesus, arguing that he journeyed to Jerusalem with resolute eschatological purpose and endowed his circle of friends with the same secrecy that befits an apocalyptic movement. The book begins by considering the substantial twentieth-century debat... (more)
More information on John Newton: From Disgrace to Amazing Grace
Jonathan Aitken
In the popular imagination John Newton (1725-1807) is best known as the author of the celebrated hymn "Amazing Grace". But he also had one of the most colourful and influential lives in the religion and politics of the 18th century. In his youth he was a slave trader and a slave ship captain. His ea... (more)
More information on John Newton: From Disgrace to Amazing Grace
Jonathan Aitken
John Newton is best known as the author of Amazing Grace but this brilliant new biography shows how he led one of the most colourful and influential lives of the 18th century.Using a wealth of unpublished material, Jonathan Aitken charts Newton's journey through slave trading, best selling authorshi... (more)
More information on John Newton: From Disgrace To Amazing Grace
Jonathan Aitken
Most Christians know John Newton as a man who once captained a slave ship, was dramatically converted to Christ on the high seas, and later penned one of the greatest hymns of the faith, “ Amazing Grace.” But he also had a huge impact on his times as an icon of the evangelical movement, as a great p... (more)
More information on Jonathan Veira The Early Years 4 CD Box Set
Jonathan Veira
Jonathan Veria The Early Years brings the albums, Life And Soul, Rhythms Of The Heart, All That Matters and Pilgrim to one boxset! A great collection of Jonathan's early music - this is a collection not to be missed.