More information on Charles W Colson: A Life Redeemed
Jonathan Aitken
Charles Colson hit the headlines at the time of Watergate. He went to prison. He was born again. Aitken had his difficulties as well. Here is the latter's biography of the former. Watergate was a cataclysm - the reverberations rocked the American establishment to its core. Nixon fell from power and ... (more)
More information on Christian and Commitment, The
Jonathan Hughes
More information on Conquering Chronic Fatigue: Answers to America's Most Misunderstood Ep
Jonathan Forester
Now You Can Win Your Battle with Chronic Fatigue Possibly the most undertreated and misunderstood illness in America, the growing epidemic of chronic fatigue has more than 40 million sufferers. Written by a Christian medical doctor, Conguering Chronic Fatigue is a medical handbook More...that spells... (more)
More information on Consecrated Women?
Jonathan Baker
Debate is raging behind the closed doors of the Rochester Commission over whether women priests can become bishops. Evidence is gathered from supporters and protesters alike and incorporated into a paper which the Synod then discusses. This volume contains writings by authors who feel that the theol... (more)