More information on A Bethlehem Christmas: Celebrating the Joyful Season
Charles Swindoll
The world changed forever one Bethlehem night. Best-selling author Charles R. Swindoll invites us to sit back and enjoy his personal and engaging retelling of the first Christmas story. Combining both regal mystery and humble human experience, the book focuses on four major characters: Gabriel, Mary... (more)
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Natalie Williams & Martin Charlesworth
A practical tool for individual, churches, and small groups, and incorporating discussion questions and accompanying videos, A Call to Act demonstrates that, in order to engage with poverty and need, we must re-evaluate our own attitudes and adopt a poverty-busting lifestyle. There are undoubted cha... (more)
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More information on A Journey Worth Taking: Finding your Purpose in this World
Charles D Drew
People have always been keen to figure out their place in the scheme of things. This book helps by providing a 'theology roadmap' for the journey. These great biblical truths, when held together in our minds, will take us where we need to go in a healthy way.
More information on A Life Well Lived
Charles R. Swindoll
In a world where everything is constantly moving forward, we often take a long, hard look in the mirror, see the same old sinner that should have been left behind long ago, and wonder if we've done enough to merit God's approval. The Creator never intended us to be burdened by constant guilt, sh... (more)
More information on A Life Well Lived Bible Companion
Charles R. Swindoll
Open this Bible Companion to dig deeply into the principles of God's Word, to hear God's Voice, leading you toward developing A Life Well Lived. Christians often wonder if their decisions and behaviors are truly pleasing to God, if, in God's eyes, they are living life well. New Christians may say, "... (more)
More information on Abba Calling:Hearing... From the Father's Heart Every Day of the Year
Charles Slage
Daily affirmations of hope and encouragement so you can face all the challenges that are part of everyday living.
More information on Advancing Through Adversity (Life Principles Study)
Charles Stanley
God has a plan and a purpose for you, and He can turn things to good regardless of the situation you face. These two key principles, rooted in Scripture and evidenced in the lives of Christians throughout the ages, must color the lenses through which you view adversity. In Advancing Through Adversit... (more)
More information on Angel Book
Charles Hunter / Frances Hunter
Charles and Frances Hunter describe their own personal encounters with angels and what the Bible tells us about these messengers of God. They report on the different kinds of angels and their roles, how God's messengers can impact your life, and how to experience the presence of God.