More information on Between Pacifism And Jihad
J Daryl Charles
Pacifism. Jihad. Militarism. Are these our only alternatives for dealing with global injustice today? J. Daryl Charles leads us to reconsider a Christian view of the use of force to maintain or reestablish justice. He shows how love for a neighbor can warrant the just use of force. Reviewing... (more)
More information on Jesus And Archaeology
James H Charlesworth
Archaeology still has many things to reveal about the life and world of Jesus of Nazareth. To touch a two-thousand-year-old pot held by a Jew who lived in a small village frequented by Jesus brings us closer to understanding those who were touched by Jesus. Jesus and Archaeology contains lecture... (more)
More information on Growing in God's Spirit
Jonathan Edwards / T. M. Moore (Ed) / Charles Colson (For)
Marking the 300th anniversary of Jonathan Edwards's birth, Moore presents three of the great preacher's finest sermons: "A Divine and Supernatural Light," "Christian Knowledge," and "The Christian Pilgrim." This invaluable resource also features introductory remarks, subheadings, and questions for r... (more)