More information on The Husband Tree
Mary Connealy
Belle Tanner just buried her third worthless husband under a sprawling tree. Now she needs to move her cattle to market before winter sets in. But is the aimless cowpuncher Silas Harden worth hiring on? Silas just escaped the matrimonial noose-only to lose his ranch in the process. Although he's gla... (more)
More information on Wildflower Bride
Mary Connealy
Welcome to the wilds of Montana, where humor, romance, and suspense ride the range. Glowing Sun, a white woman raised by the Flathead tribe, has vague memories of her former life, including a name-Abby Lind. When she's forced to sever all links with her adopted family, Abby wonders if she'll ever fi... (more)
More information on Doctors in Petticoats
Mary Connealy
What happens when an idealistic student nurse encounters an embittered army doctor in a stagecoach accident? How will she react when she learns her training didn’t prepare her for tragic reality? How will he, an army deserter, respond to needs when he vowed to never touch another patient? Can these ... (more)
More information on Black Hills Blessing
Mary Connealy
Ride the range with Buffy Lange, a woman bent on seeing majestic buffalo reclaim their territory, no matter how hostile local cattleman Wyatt Shaw becomes. Meet rancher Emily Johannson who would leave her derelict neighbor Jake Hanson alone if she didn't feel duty bound to keep saving his hide. Take... (more)