More information on A is for Angel: A Christmas Alphabet and Activity Book
D Trafton O'Neal
The Christmas story, told and retold in many formats, never loses its meaning or magic. Aimed at children ages 4-8, this book weaves the story of Jesus' birth into a rhyming, alphabetical journey. At the back of the book, author Debbie Trafton O'neal provides instructions for making four crafts insp... (more)
More information on Caught Between a Dream and a Job
Delatorro McNeal II
Delatorro McNeal wants to help you move from "working to pay bills" to a life of significance, meaning, and excitement; a life of hope and expectation. Through the interactive questions and activities, motivating quotes, conversational writing style, and realistic and doable transition strategies, C... (more)
More information on The One Year Women Of The Bible
Dianne Neal Matthews
Each devotional in The One Year Women of the Bible focuses on a woman in the Bible and a woman today. You'll hear the perspective of faithful women like Sarah, Elizabeth, and Abigail along with the less faithful women, such as Jezebel. You'll also read about everyday contemporary women struggling wi... (more)