More information on Christ, Baptism and the Lord's Supper
Leonard J Vander Zee
Often the subject of debate, the sacraments are likewise neglected and superficially understood. In this book, Vander Zee not only opens up a Christ-centered approach to the sacraments but also provides guidance on the practical matters that pastors and parishioners face in the pursuit of a renewed ... (more)
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Leonard Scott
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Leonard Smith
Enjoy beautiful images from around Britain photographed and exclusively published by Leonard Smith.
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More information on Out of the Question Into the Mystery
Leonard Sweet
How did we get the point, but miss the Person? Christianity wasn’t founded on a proposition. God sent Jesus to deliver a proposal: “Will you love me? Will you let me love you?” In fact, Jesus not only got on his knees to deliver this proposal. Jesus was nailed to a cross to deliver God’s proposa... (more)
More information on Three Hardest Words, The
Leonard Sweet
Three simple words–“I love you”–capture the heart of Jesus’ life and ministry. These three words form the bottom line and top drawer of all his teachings. And they remain the three hardest words in the world to get right. Two pronouns and a verb have never been so difficult to grasp, much less to ... (more)
More information on So Beautiful: Divine design for life and the church
Leonard Sweet
What is commonly known as DNA today was exclaimed as " . . . So pretty!" when it was discovered years ago, and over the course of his ministry, author Leonard Sweet has discovered that this divine design also informs God's blueprint for the church. In this seminal work, he shares the woven strands t... (more)
More information on 11 Indispensable Relationships You Can't Be Without!
Leonard Sweet
As believers, our journey is just as important as the destination. And because relationships are essential to our walk through life, it is vital that we partner with people who positively impact our world. Dr. Leonard Sweet believes these essential people are found in the pages of God's Word. Usi... (more)
More information on The Kingdom - Cover To Cover Bible Study
Leonard, Chris
This challenging study of Matthew will help you to know what it is to live in the freedom of God's control.
More information on Francis Of Assisi - A Model for Human Liberation
Leonardo Boff
In this classic work, Brazilian theologian Leonardo Boff examines the relevance of St. Francis to contemporary spirituality and to the construction of a new church. Eschewing sentimental images of the Poverello, Boff's Francis embodies "the preferential option for the poor." As a "model of gentlenes... (more)