So Beautiful: Divine design for life and the church
Leonard Sweet
What is commonly known as DNA today was exclaimed as " . . . So pretty!" when it was discovered years ago, and over the course of his ministry, author Leonard Sweet has discovered that this divine design also informs God's blueprint for the church. In this seminal work, he shares the woven strands that form the church: missional, relational, and incarnational. Sweet declares that this secret is So Beautiful! Using the poignant life of John Newton as a touchstone, Sweet calls for the re-union of these three essential, complementary strands of the Christian life. Far from a novel idea, Sweet shows how this structure is God's original intent and shares the simply beautiful design for His church.

ISBN: 9781434799791
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: DAVID C COOK / SURVIVOR - published 01/05/2009
Format: Paperback  
