More information on DIY Guide To Building a FamilyThat Lasts
Gary Chapman & Shannon Warden
Tools for Renovating Your Relational Space You know those home improvement shows where they take an ugly, run-down house and make it beautiful? Whether you like the shows or not, everybody loves seeing those moments of total transformation—the before and after picture, the dramatic reveal… Well, wha... (more)
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More information on It's Me Again Lord: Prayers for Teenagers
Prayer isn’t meant to be difficult. After all, it’s just about you and God having a chat. And like any chat, it can be about anything. God’s not just interested in the big things, like war and poverty, but about you, your life, what you’re up to. He wants to know what makes you tick, what gets you a... (more)
More information on Prayers Presents & Pudding - Prayers for Advent Christmas and New Year
David Gatward looks at the little things that happen during Advent in this collection of thoughts and prayers for teenagers and young adults.
More information on Time Out - A Collection of kickstart prayers for teenagers
Time Out offers a collection of ideas, thoughts, questions, challenges and prayers which will help you take some time out and say a prayer. All that’s required is an open mind, a willingness to learn and a little time.
More information on Adverts and Advent - A rundown through Advent for teenagers
A rundown through Advent for teenagers Have you forgotten what Advent is all about - why Jesus was born in a dark, damp and smelly stable, surrounded by animals, his teenage mum and a father whose trade was about as tough as they come? It's time to take a fresh look at what this truly great s... (more)
More information on Leap into Lent - A rundown through Lent for teenagers
Lent? Isn't that about giving up things you rather like, such as chocolate or buying shoes, eating lots of pancakes and expensive chocolate eggs? Er, no it's not. It's actually the 40 days before Easter when Christians think about their faith and rededicate themselves to God. Simple. Lent is about... (more)
More information on Monday Morning and Traffic Jams
Does anyone like Monday mornings? The weekend's over and a week of work lies ahead. Days filled with traffic jams, deadlines, grumpy photocopiers, meetings, coffee breaks, e-mails . . . it's not surprising that most of us would rather stay in bed and hide, than get up and face work. It's easy to for... (more)
More information on Why God's Word is All We Need (Today's Issues Series)
Gene Edward Veith
It's on nearly everyone's shelf, and the best-selling book of all time. And yet the Bible goes unread and unheeded by so many. Rather than seeking wisdom on how to live and revelation as to who He is in its pages, people look within themselves, mining their thoughts and feelings for "; the voice of ... (more)
More information on Gaius Diary, The: ...One Man's Impact on the Early Christian Church
Gene Edwards
Read of Nero’s persecution of Christians and the death of Paul! In this gripping narrative we hear of many historical events which cause perilous times for the fledgling church. Gaius tells of the fall of Jerusalem and the martyrdom of Christians torn apart by wild animals in the Colosseum and of ... (more)