Leap into Lent - A rundown through Lent for teenagers
Lent? Isn't that about giving up things you rather like, such as chocolate or buying shoes, eating lots of pancakes and expensive chocolate eggs? Er, no it's not. It's actually the 40 days before Easter when Christians think about their faith and rededicate themselves to God. Simple.
Lent is about taking a look at who you are, what you're about and where you're going to. It's about looking in a mirror and trying to see if the reflection isn't just yours, but God's too. So grab a Bible and travel through all that you are, examining everything about where your place here on earth, and with God, really is.

ISBN: 9781840039894
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: KEVIN MAYHEW - published 11/11/2002
Format: Paperback  
