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Roger Carswell
What do a teenager, a journalist, and a German reformer all have in common? Like so many others they have heard the original, authoritative words of Jesus. Author Roger Carswell was a teenager when he was introduced to Jesus by his uncle after a game of tennis. Who is Jesus? introduces you to thi... (more)
More information on Things God Wants Us to Know
Roger Carswell
Everyone has an opinion about God, even if we try not to think toovmuch about it (If you don’t think about it - you don’t have tovchange!). The atheist, Richard Dawkins, expressed his non-belief byvdescribing an evolved world of ‘no design, no purpose, no evil andvno good, nothing but blind, piti... (more)
More information on The Thinker
Roger Carswell
Widely travelled evangelist Roger Carswell, writes challengingly on issues of Christian living. Bible based and practical, the book examines evangelism, prayer, service, Christian living, the gospel and God himself. Bite-sized, but profound, these pieces can be read as a daily meditiation or be used... (more)
More information on To Know The Unknown
Roger Carswell
The Greeks seemed to have it all worked out. They may not have had web sites and mobile phones, but they lived in a society marked by its progress and culture. Their advancement in the arts and sciences was revolutionary. But despite the outward success of their civilization, they still sought a... (more)
More information on And Some Evangelists
Roger Carswell
Your church has a pastor and teachers - but where are your evangelists? Find out where your evangelists are and send them out.