The Thinker
Roger Carswell
Widely travelled evangelist Roger Carswell, writes challengingly on issues of Christian living. Bible based and practical, the book examines evangelism, prayer, service, Christian living, the gospel and God himself. Bite-sized, but profound, these pieces can be read as a daily meditiation or be used to dip in and out of at will.

"Roger has an ability to write even about familiar themes with freshness . . . He is a passionate, warm, enthusiastic and blunt evangelist."
Canon Hugh Palmer, Rector, All Souls Church, Langham Place

Roger Carswell is a travelling preacher with numerous books and pamphlets in publication. Roger says, "I have never regretted that moment of putting my trust in Christ, and starting to live for him."

ISBN: 9781850787136
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: AUTHENTIC MEDIA - published 15/09/2006
Format: Paperback  
