Things God Wants Us to Know
Roger Carswell
Everyone has an opinion about God, even if we try not to think toovmuch about it (If you don’t think about it - you don’t have tovchange!).

The atheist, Richard Dawkins, expressed his non-belief byvdescribing an evolved world of ‘no design, no purpose, no evil andvno good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference’. But those words don’t ring true; they jar against what we know of ourselves. Deep
down we know that Dawkins philosophy doesn’t answer our questions - and this book is not for those whose starting point for every thought is ‘God doesn’t exist, therefore…’.

Our deep-seated awareness of something other makes our hearts restless and reinforces the instinct that we know life has a purpose.

It’s an awareness reinforced when you witness the birth of a baby - which parent, seeing their child for the first time, cries, “That’s a wonderful conglomeration of chance chemicals”? Equally, the graveside of a loved one reminds us of the meaningfulness of life - no one mutters, “Well there goes a meaningless existence where nothing of value was achieved.”

We don’t believe that, by chance, something impersonal developed the things that make us personal - love, significance, hope, purpose, reasoning, beauty and a sense of right or wrong.
To rob humanity of its awareness of being made in the image of God is an even greater identity fraud than having your credit card cloned.

This book is to help you to put some clarity to those common thoughts and feelings you have as you contemplate your place in life.

ISBN: 9781845502423
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: CHRISTIAN FOCUS - published 01/03/2007
Format: Paperback  
