More information on The Big Three
Dr Henry Morris III
CREATION, THE FALL, & THE FLOOD WITH THE PROMISE OF CHRIST They are cornerstones of the Christian faith, they are events that literally changed the world forever. Yet, the foundations of these biblical truths are rooted in GENESIS, a book that too many in the Church now treat as an allegory or a me... (more)
More information on The City Without a Church
Henry Drummond
"Two very startling things arrest us in John's vision of the future. The first is that the likest thing to Heaven he could think of was a City; the second, that there was no Church in that City. Almost nothing more revolutionary could be said, even to the modern world, in the name of religion. No Ch... (more)
More information on The Early Church (Penguin History of the Church)
Henry Chadwick
Examines the beginning of the Christian movement during the first centureis AD, and the explosive force of its expansion throughout the Roman world. 129 x 198mm | 320 pages