More information on 40 Days with Paul
Dom Henry Wansbrough
More information on 9 Things Graduates Must Do To Succeed In Life
Dr Henry Cloud
Offers graduates nine life principles that, if applied, will truly help them to succeed in their endeavors and avoid years of hard-learned lessons.
More information on What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do: Bad Habits & Addictions
Dr Henry Cloud / Dr John Townsend
Based on the incredible success of the book What to Do When You Don't Know What to Do, Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend offer a line of books that address specific crises and some of the most prevalent problems facing our culture today. These books give readers a starting point to deal with the... (more)
More information on The Big Three
Dr Henry Morris III
CREATION, THE FALL, & THE FLOOD WITH THE PROMISE OF CHRIST They are cornerstones of the Christian faith, they are events that literally changed the world forever. Yet, the foundations of these biblical truths are rooted in GENESIS, a book that too many in the Church now treat as an allegory or a me... (more)
More information on 9 Things a Leader Must Do
Dr. Henry Cloud
Why do some leaders get and accomplish what they want as a matter of routine, while others seem to regularly experience frustration and setbacks? Why do some leaders achieve their goals and reach new heights, while others barely "hang in there" and survive? Based on his groundbreaking psychological ... (more)