More information on The Advocates
Eddie Smith / Alice Smith
Defend them in their hour of trial. Prayerlessness has rendered the church powerless and virtually irrelevant in this society. Defending another is a stretch for many. Judging, accusing and offering oneself as a witness for the devil's prosecution on the other hand is an everyday occurence. What hap... (more)
More information on The Beloved Poetry of Helen Steiner Rice
Helen Steiner Rice
Helen Steiner Rice, America's best-loved poet, penned countless poems. She often wrote on the themes of comfort, joy, love, peace, and hope-and possessed a remarkable gift of seeing the positive side of any situation. Rice has inspired readers for decades with her uplifting verse. Now readers can ex... (more)
More information on The Christ of the Empty Tomb
J. Montgomery Boice
You have to hunt for the message of Easter. After all, this is not the joyous welcoming of a baby with the giving of gifts; this is the brutal death of a young man, stripped of any gifts and dignity. Yet, Jews had prayed for him, hoped for him, looked for him and lived for him for generations. But n... (more)
More information on The Church of Facebook
Jesse Rice
A revolution is taking place, one profile at a time. Online social networks are connecting people like never before. And with millions of users, they’re creating a virtual world that erases all boundaries. It’s a movement that’s changing how we form relationships, perceive others, and shape ou... (more)
More information on The Creative Call: An Artist's Response to the Way of the Spirit
Janice Elsheimer
Perhaps you're a "closet writer" who's been scribbling in journals for years. Maybe you once had a passion for playing the piano or violin—a passion that is still flickering somewhere deep inside you. You may have a knack for photography, drawing, gardening, cooking, or some other creative gift. Or ... (more)
More information on The Doctrines of Grace: Rediscovering the Evangelical Gospel
J Montgomery Boice / Philip Graham Ryken
More information on The Hands and Feet of Jesus
Clive Price
More information on The Happiness of Heaven
Maurice Roberts
While belief in heaven is essential to the Christian faith, the fact that pilgrim believers have not yet experienced heaven leaves us with many questions about what it will be like. In The Happiness of Heaven, Maurice Roberts surveys Holy Scripture to tell us what heaven is all about. In his charact... (more)
More information on The King Has Come: The Real Message of Christmas
James Boice
The birth of a king is normally marked by lavish national celebrations, a gathering of dignitaries and great joy. But what if he is born in a cave, is surrounded by animals and his first visitors are unknown shepherds? And what if his birth day presents are obscure and seemingly useless? You may... (more)
More information on There's a Teenager in My House
Wayne Rice
This accessible, encouraging book addresses the most common areas of concern for parents of teenagers. Wayne Rice has compiled real questions from parents with practical, wise answers from a team of youth ministry experts such as Mark DeVries, Duffy Robbins, Jim Green, Kendra Smiley, David Olshine, ... (more)