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The Voice Of the Matyrs
What can we learn from these faith-filled brothers and sisters around the world? How can we pray for them? And what do their remarkable stories teach us about a God whose light shines in a dark world?
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Janice Hanna
Find power, inspiration, and strength in singleness, with Turning Points for divorced women, filled with invaluable advice and successful strategies written especially for you!
More information on I Think It's God Calling
Katy Magdelene Price
In a bittersweet daydream moment, you know that the life you have is not the only one you could have had, and you wonder... Meet Katy - six years ago, she thought she had life all worked out. She was in her early 20s, had a home, a good job and a happy marriage, and thought that was it. As for Go... (more)
More information on I, Vivaldi
Janice Shefelman
In this dynamic picture-book biography, told as if by Vivaldi himself, the famous musician's energetic personality and steadfast dedication to music come alive. Despite his mother's vow for him to become a priest, young Vivaldi is only interested in music. He soon grows from a feisty boy who wants... (more)
More information on In the Flow
Marla Alupoaicei
A leading researcher defines flow as the mental state of operation in which the person is fully immersed in what he or she is doing, characterized by a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in the process of the activity. Creative people the world over have experienced this energ... (more)