More information on He Speaks to me Everywhere - Meditations on Christianity and Culture
Philip Graham Ryken
Meditations on Christianity and Culture. Living out the Christian life in a culture that tries to forget God. What does Christians have to do with Love and Marriage, Sports and Leisure, Science and Technology, Social issues and Politics, Feasts and Festivals, Church History, and Christianity today.
More information on Heaven in Ordinary: George Herbert and His Writings
Philip Sheldrake
George Herbert (1593-1633) is one of English spirituality's most treasured voices and, with his contemporaries Lancelot Andrewes Izaak Walton and Nicholas Ferrar, he epitomises the best of the 17th century Anglican tradition - learned, holy and self-effacing. Before settling down as a country parish... (more)
More information on How to be a Healthy Weight
Philippa Pigache
Obesity is a global ticking health time bomb. In the UK, a quarter of children are overweight, and a third of British adults are forecast to be obese by 2010, while in the US, more than 64 per cent of US adults are either overweight or obese, a trend seen as a real threat to lifespan. Being overweig... (more)