More information on Beloved - Henri Nouwen in Conversation (Book & CD)
Philip Roderick
Henri Nouwen, who died in 1996, was one of the most outstanding spiritual leaders of the recent times. A priest, academic and author of over forty books, many of which remain in print, his ministry found a new depth of expression when he joined l‘Arche, the residential communities founded by Jean Va... (more)
More information on Body Beautiful?  Recapturing a Vision for All-age Church
Philip Mountstephen / Kelly Martin
Churches have struggled with all-age worship. But all-age church is something quite different—a kingdom community where those of every age are involved in worship, ministry and growth. As a reflection of the life of God, this is a church shaped by gospel and Spirit, and one that is inescapably missi... (more)
More information on Book of Creation: The Practice of Celtic Spirituality
J. Philip Newell
For many Christians, the world equates with "worldliness" and it is to be avoided for fear of damage to their spiritual health. Celtic Christianity differs from this in that it sees in all creation the reflection of God's goodness and beauty which sin might mar, but can never destroy. This book expl... (more)