More information on Edge Of Known Reality And Beyond
Jonathan Skinner
What is life all about? How can we make sense of it? Why are we here? It seems to be basic to being human to wonder if there is anything more to life – more that is, than just making the most of the seventy or so years that our hearts manage to keep beating. Does God exist? Has he communica... (more)
More information on Emerging Ministry - Being Church Today
Nathan C.P. Frambach
Curious about the world in which we live and informed by the emerging church conversation, Nathan Frambach asks, "What does it mean to be the church as we live - not as we think or remember or long for, but as we live God's mission today?" In response, the author suggests that being church today wil... (more)
More information on English Hypothetical Universalism
Jonathan Moore
John Preston (1587-1628) stands as a key figure in the development of English Reformed orthodoxy in the courts of ElizabethI and JamesVI. Often cited as a favorite of the English and American Puritans who came after him, he nevertheless stood as a bridge between the crown and the nonconformists. Jon... (more)