More information on In the Shadow of His Wings
Johnathan Macy
More information on Pride and Perjury
Jonathan Aitken
In 1994, Jonathan Aitken was hotly tipped to succeed John Major as the next leader of the Conservative Party, but within a year he was buried beneath accusations of pimping, arms dealing and corruption. In this text, he tells his own story.
More information on Psalms for People under Pressure
Jonathan Aitken
Jonathan Aitken knows a lot about being under pressure. He has been a war correspondent in Vietnam, a television presenter, the Chief Executive of TV-am and the Chairman of a City of London Merchant Bank. In politics he was an MP for 23 years, a Defence Minister and a Cabinet Minister as Chief Secre... (more)
More information on Prayers for People Under Pressure
Jonathan Aitken
This new book by Jonathan Aitken is written in a style and format similar to Psalms for People Under Pressure. The formula has proved extremely popular. Here are fifty selected prayers, each accompanied by a spiritual reflection an... (more)
More information on Charles W Colson: A Life Redeemed
Jonathan Aitken
Charles Colson hit the headlines at the time of Watergate. He went to prison. He was born again. Aitken had his difficulties as well. Here is the latter's biography of the former. Watergate was a cataclysm - the reverberations rocked the American establishment to its core. Nixon fell from power and ... (more)
More information on John Newton: From Disgrace to Amazing Grace
Jonathan Aitken
In the popular imagination John Newton (1725-1807) is best known as the author of the celebrated hymn "Amazing Grace". But he also had one of the most colourful and influential lives in the religion and politics of the 18th century. In his youth he was a slave trader and a slave ship captain. His ea... (more)
More information on John Newton: From Disgrace to Amazing Grace
Jonathan Aitken
John Newton is best known as the author of Amazing Grace but this brilliant new biography shows how he led one of the most colourful and influential lives of the 18th century.Using a wealth of unpublished material, Jonathan Aitken charts Newton's journey through slave trading, best selling authorshi... (more)
More information on Heroes and Contemporaries
Jonathan Aitken
Jonathan Aitken was for many years at the heart of British political life. A cabinet minister who was often mentioned as a future prime minister, he worked closely with many of the key figures in the nation's political and social life. In this new book Aitken, has written perceptive profiles of a do... (more)
More information on John Newton: From Disgrace To Amazing Grace
Jonathan Aitken
Most Christians know John Newton as a man who once captained a slave ship, was dramatically converted to Christ on the high seas, and later penned one of the greatest hymns of the faith, “ Amazing Grace.” But he also had a huge impact on his times as an icon of the evangelical movement, as a great p... (more)
More information on Consecrated Women?
Jonathan Baker
Debate is raging behind the closed doors of the Rochester Commission over whether women priests can become bishops. Evidence is gathered from supporters and protesters alike and incorporated into a paper which the Synod then discusses. This volume contains writings by authors who feel that the theol... (more)