More information on Listening to the past
Stephen Holmes
On the Theory and Practice of Historical Theology. Beginning with the question 'Why can't we just read the Bible?' Stephen Holmes considers the place of tradition in theology, showing how the doctrine of creation leads to an account of historical location and creaturely limitations as essential aspe... (more)
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Stephen Holmes
This book considers the distinctive ideas and expressions of Christian faith to be found in the historic Baptist churches. An outline of the history of the Baptist movement will be offered, from its British beginnings in Amsterdam in 1609, through its varied developments in Britain, Europe and North... (more)
More information on What Are We Waiting For?
Stephen Holmes / Russell Rook
People often feel that biblical theology of future and hope is of little practical value for life in the present. Christians are suspected of waiting for a 'pie in the sky when they die' instead of dealing with the 'steak on their plate while they wait'. But the writers in this book argue that es... (more)
More information on Walk This Way: 40 Days on The Road With Jesus
Stephen Holmes / Russell Rook
Jesus calls us to a life of radical discipleship. He invites us to follow him and learn his ways. This book provides 40 daily readings from Christians past and present who have walked that path with Jesus. Here you will find insight from: - early Christian leaders (e.g., Gregory of Nyssa and Aug... (more)
More information on The Wondrous Cross: Atonement & Penal Substitution in the Bible...
Stephen R Holmes
An accessible defence of the view that we need multiple metaphors for how the cross saves us (including penal substitution). In this book Stephen Holmes offers an accessible and authoritative account of the way the saving work of Jesus is presented in the Bible, and has been understood throughout C... (more)